Resources: The Journey to Remembrance - Deanna Lavoie

Resources: The Journey to Remembrance by Deanna Lavoie

When Bill and I went to the Military Museum in May I happened upon a painting that stopped me in my tracks! I was captivated by this very poignant piece that spoke to me in so many ways. I discovered that the painting was completed by a talented young lady in Longview, Alberta. I have provided links to her website and a previous article in the Western Wheel that provides additional insight to Deanna Lavoie and The Journey to RemembranceI encourage you to please take a moment to view both the article and Deanna's website.

I am delighted that Deanna Lavoie has graciously granted me permission to share this painting with you. In our correspondence Deanna writes:

“I have commissioned Limited Edition Prints that are available in my website's shop. To date they have been delivered to New Zealand, Australia, and the Netherlands as well as throughout Canada. I am pleased to be able to assist the next generation of remembering by donating $50 of every print sold to The Princess Patricia's Light Infantry Foundation for youth education.”

What a remarkable young lady! I hope you enjoy The Journey to Remembrance as much as I do.

©Deanna Lavoie - The Journey to Remembrance - Acrylic on Canvas 72" x 60"



  1. Thank you for sharing my work. Best wishes to you and your brother on your journey to remembrance of your grandparents. I look forward to following along with your travels on this most special and enlightening trip.


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