Day 7 - With Pictures

Day 7 - September 3, 2017:  Aldershot and Area

We arrived in Aldershot to the Military Museum that was built out of the original army barracks. Aldershot Barracks were built in 1856. Not only was our Grandpa here in WWII but both our Great Grandfather in January 1901 and his brother Tim a couple years later as well. It is fantastic it be standing on the same ground that our Grandfathers' once were.


Also at the museum was a searchlight used by our bonus when they were doing coastal defence. They were 100,000,000 candlepower light that had a range of seven miles. Our troops would also use them to shine on the underside of clouds to create an artificial sunlight for the troops to maneuver under at night.

Aldershot Military Cemetery
We visited the Aldershot Military Cemetery to pay our respects to the boys. This is a combined graveyard whereby family members can be buried with their military spouses. The headstone date back to the 1800's. Sadly it is in disarray as vandals have destroyed some of the grave markers. The CWGC section is very nice though. The cemetery is built on hillsides.

Royal Canadian Service Corps Memorial
We visited the Royal Canadian Service Corps memorial just outside of Langford. It is a nice memorial that is going to be receiving upgrades shortly. 


  1. It's cool that your grandfather and his brother were there and now you and bill are. It is sad about the graves though, I don't understand how people can disrespect fallen heroes.

  2. Just think you could have stood in the same spot as them!


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