The Last Post

The Last Post
Editor's Note: I have returned from the Europe trip with unfinished business. There is still much work to be done on the blog. I have reviewed some of the posts and it is evident these were originally wrote very late at night after a long and full day. There are edits to be made, pictures and links to be added and three more days to add as well. I also have 4600 pictures to preview and will upload to DropBox for you to peruse. 
On this page I will itemize the edits I have completed and will ultimately provide a summary of the trip. Thank you Curtis for the suggestion on the title.

November 5, 2017
Day 26, Day 27 and Day 30:  Edits to content, added pictures and links

Feb 17, 2018
Day 1: Edits and pictures added

Feb 18, 2018
Day 2, 3, 4 and 5 edits made


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